
Offering technological solutions to  urgent concerns that Affect a broader range of people in West Africa and other emegernt contexts.


A major issue facing many markets is post harvest loss regarding vegetables and produce from the farm to the market retailers. More than 40% of produce and vegetables harvested for domestic consumption perish for lack of refrigeration, and adequate infrastructure. This includes the lack of power grid access and road infrastructure from farm to various markets that service consumers. Futher complicating matters at the macro economic level is the reality that farmers scale back on production as they evaluate costs, perishability and diminished profits as they face post harvest loss that wipes out anticipated profit and vagaries of intermediaries that profit from their vulnerabilities related to lack of cool storage. This in turn, boosts prices, makes the country reliant on import for food requirements, and a host of other consequences.


Develop a cold chain for product handling and transfer

Vital provides an innovative, off grid, solar powered cooling solution placed at strategic nodes in the value chain, from the farmgate to the marketplace. These modular, walk in units, store produce and vegetables and can include dairy products, meat, and fish. The units are expandable, can be digitally monitored and monetized, with cooling environments customized to the requirements of the specific produce being stored. Stakeholders are able to place produce and vegetables in stackable crates for a short period of time and pay for the service as used.

This service

  • reduces post harvest loss;
  • increases farm and stakeholder revenue;
  • reduces costs, and increases profitability;
  • and improves the quality enjoyed by consumers.

The quality of life impact is tangible and significant for all stakeholders.

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